today i am launching the first beta of sonic 2 project united this version is
exclusive for those who follow my channel more set and free to share
in your videos
if something is difficult to understand I use google translator
the mod is well completed now but can be played with some keys
1 - saves have some bugs so try to use only one slot
2 - zone cd are not working you can play more I recommend playing only with
debug enabled
2 - game has a new system for the second character has not been finished
so it's not possible to play with more than one character even if you choose sonc and
3 - when choosing on the screen start game game mode 1 the game will be in destruction mode
monitor is not finished so restart if gravity is affected for too long
strong or very weak
4 - on the extra modes screen there is a mode that I will still do called egg emperie
5 - about bugs I know most but report them all and don't forget to see if
was reported
6 - try not to use other sonic 2 mods they should not work or fix bugs
more can use music mod including mod made for sonic 1 and cd all must
now some things that weight to play the mod
1- all subjects are welcome
2- who wants to help you can say the world in the script
in the comments and I'll give you credit for your help
and in a few days I will see some more efficient way
now some things that the mod has
full nice changes you wanted but didn't know 2
all zones sonic 1, 2 and cd plus sonic 1 future and past
all option in the picture
to install you must have the mobile version of sonic 1 , 2 and cd
first prefer a clean version of sonic 2 must have the Data.rsdk in the folder
, the sonic 2 and rdsk v1.3.1 script folder you will need Retrun. or
any other extractor now extract Data.rsdk from sonic 1 inside data folder
go to Animations select Knuckles.ani and SonicSS.ani now in date again
delete game then music delete Continue, Credits , GameOver ,
Invincibility , Invincibility_f and Titlescreen
in Sprites rename the following folders putting s1 at the end of their names
Ending, Global, LevelSelect, Players, Special and Title
now in Stages rename the following folders putting s1 at the end of their names
Continue, Ending, LSelect, Special and Title
now with Data.rsdk from sonic cd here are some oblisions you can extract by
sima from sonic 1 more remote that you put in another folder extracted Data.rsdk
sonic cd you must go in the date folder and delete the game folder
now in Sprites rename the following folders putting cd at the end of their
Global, Menu, Players, Special and Title names
now copy the files from the stereodos folder if you extracted them in two
different folder first paste the sonic 1 files into the date folder of the mod
then do the same as sonic cd
if you extract everything in a single folder paste all in the date folder of the mod
poe last paste the files from the mod files folder in the date folder of the mod
if everything went well the mod should be working
final oblisevasions do not use sonic origins versions
sonic cd steam should work